Pondering... contemplating- What if everything you were doing before switched up, you mixed up, you threw out? What if everything you once knew had changed so dramatically that it changed you in season, and in turn, you no longer recognized the path you once ventured out upon? The course and direction of your path became somewhere along the way lost, misguided and now recognized as such. Would you continue on the path because it's the only way you have known for so long? What if this path is full of uncertainty, possible failure, but in present tense- bliss? What if this new path, though full of ups and downs, could just possibly set you back on track to a true sense of you? What if all this was true.. what would you do?
What if what once was is no longer? No longer what you thought existed does... absence does not make anything grow, but a sense of loss.... a sense of longing for what one can have not. To stand peering at a door closed is to realize all hopes have gone with the last bit of air pressed beyond the jam. It's a tragic way to live life, to allow it to consume you, to take and take till it breathes in all around you its stank breath of failure. What if you shook it all off... started anew.... became what you felt and really believed what you know? To realize the door that closed was not your door anyway... the door that closed was upon someone else as well... your door is just 4 doors down and is open, waiting on you to finalize your journey. What if this was all true... what would you do?
It will always be easier to give up than to look up, to sit down than to take a stand, walk than to run. The movement you decide to make at each turn determines where you'll land in a hour, a day, a year, your lifetime- keep moving... even if it's not the right move... keep moving.
Tracy Chapman, "Change"
1 comment:
Yea, I sometimes think about the "what if" and yes, I have regrets and I would like to change things but can't. I think as I grow older, I feel my life sometimes gets so monotnous and so full of routine, I would welcome opportunity to do something different and venture out into the world. Would I be scared? YEP! Would I be afraid to fail? YEP! Would I think that going down a new road could bring all kinds of possibilities? YEP! Would I do it? YEP :-)
Aloha, Ku'u from 360
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