We all travel on this course- LIFE- Living In Full Evolution... mind, spirit, body... never standing still. They say have no regrets, but contemplation produces a place that I cannot help ponder of what could have been or should have been done... constant change mitigating life.
Where I have been is why I am who I am now... sometimes life has caressed me, sometimes it has thrown me about... while I would possibly change some of my choices I cannot. I must move on. All of us have our own stories... our own "battle scars" of life making us hunger for the best LIFE has to offer.
Wondrous creatures that we are... resilient, steadfast in this course of LIFE. Strange twists.... fate? GOD's hand? ... I meditate upon free will.... the ability to do as one pleases. But free would indicate that we are not affected by our choice, that we are not imprisoned by the outcome- good or bad. Choice is not free... it comes with consequence... it comes with a product... good or bad.
Living In Full Evolution of Mind, Body, Spirit... I choose how I spend my years here... all I have is time... time to navigate my course, my decisions that guide me along the way will either bring sweet delicious fruits of my labor, or it can offer the bitter abundance of this harvest- depending on my choices.
I choose to run this race of LIFE with resilience, with determination to make the time I have on this earth the best I possibly can. I choose to Win this race of LIFE. Because this gift given to me was given freely, but it is not free, my friends. LIFE is on loan and when it is time, there is no one that change that fact.
Nothing in Life is free.
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