"Dal Centro Della Mia Vita Venne Una Grande Fontana!! "
"From the center of my life, there came a great fountain!!" ~Louise Gluck

30 years in one's life... a milestone perhaps, but it
may not be the 'center' of life to some. However, for me, these past years of my life have brought a transformation of sorts and clarity in many aspects of my life. Therefore it is here, now in what I believe to be my 'center of life', that I feel a great fountain has sprung forth hope and limitless possibilities of what I can dream & ultimately, accomplish!

Every Sunrise Offers a New Opportunity for Change!

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, we will then begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." ~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's Your Paintbrush...

Ever had a moment where your world felt as if it was closing in on you? Pushing you to the brink of your very existence, where you'd scream, 'COME ON ALREADY??! ' Of course you have.... and if you are reading this and saying, nope, not me... consider yourself VERY fortunate and... would you like to trade places??? *wink*

Life keeps pushing us because if you didn't have the spirals of life, you would never experience the ecstasy of elevation. Ever have a moment where you had a breakthrough?? OK... now, close your eyes and think back to that moment... you can feel it, huh? That surge of emotion.... of accomplishment... it's what a smile 'feels' like.

There is something to be said when you look outside and it's grey, but the sun is still shining in your mind. It's knowing that to get to your rainbow, there had to be rain for the sun to shine through. In my opinion, happiness is truly a state of mind... hear me now... I know easier said than done, but when you dig deep and put a positive spin on even the negative, you still win. If something is not how you wish it to be, all you have to do is change it. Now, I am not implying that change is easy. It can be heart wrenching, losing your ground, shifting amongst two difficult situations- the wrestling of heart against mind, but it can be done.

See we are each equipped with a special something inside us... it's what Wayne Dyer so accurately calls, "Divine Capacity"... which I love. We are such spiritual and beautiful creatures... we have so much strength and depth to each of us, it is merely waiting for each of us to tap into it. Often times we allow the external to mess with our internal and I guess that's the difficulty that each of us face... rising above it all. At some point in life, we either realize our strength and harness it's power or we eventually allow the storms to wither us to the point that we cannot any longer struggle against the external forces.... we lose hope... we become fearful... and thus, we lose our willpower.

Let me give you another way to look at this....

Take a summer storm in its full rage... thunder, lightening, swirling winds... it can be frightening and all out disconcerting, but after the storm... the calm that lulls in.... the crispness of the air, how pure and clean it all feels tells us all is ok. We have weathered the storm, so to speak. It's the same with life... you have storms that whip into your life, they can be frightening, you may even lose some power, but you know that it will be over soon and from that storm, you will be purified... you will start anew and life will be crisp... allowing you a clean slate.

The only thing that EVER holds us back from our dreams, needs, desires, wants is OURSELVES. Each of us has to learn how to tap into what we know to be our reality, and then figure out what it is we truly want. Once you KNOW what you want... that's clarity and clarity brings you empowerment. Empowerment to change what it is that you don't like about the canvas of your life.... it's YOUR PAINTBRUSH... you choose what piece of art you want to possess. If you are always dappling into the dark colors and expecting to see brightness upon your canvas, you got it twisted. It's time to take a look at your clarity of life.... cause I am thinking, something is not quite right. What you want, you must think.... what you think, you will be. This goes into many realms in life.... negative energy, draws negative people, places, things.... positive energy draws the opposite, obviously. Don't believe me?

Look at many people in our culture that rose above what life handed them and peer into their world after the time in which they conquered. You'll see amazing things that occur when you rise above. No one will tell you that it was easy, or that they don't have problems still, but it all really comes down to HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT??? YOU HAVE TO BE ABOUT IT... tap into your "Divine Capacity" and hold on for the ride. It may take you spiraling down, but don't give up because the elevation to new heights and breaking through your challenges brings ecstasy and the purest satisfaction that no one can steal from you. Once you got it... IT'S YOURS for the taking FOREVERMORE.


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"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." ~Albert Einstein