I guess that is why children are wondrous creatures and babies are beautiful to me. We all arrive with this inner peace- a true happiness to just be. In the beginning we all live life with this free spirit and not a rule book; evolving, developing and becoming who we were given life to be! It's only as we get older that time tries to tire us, wear us down and make us forget just how beautifully special each of us are! Children, whereas, haven't been soiled with the pressures daily life throws our way and they've yet to lose any of themselves in a career, worries, or relationship. They are purely unadulterated.
Granted, as we become adults there are certain understood social graces of tact we use and guidelines which we follow to live our lives. Being a kid has it's advantages, but also it's downfalls as we age. You know, belting out a song and dancing in the middle of family members or friends, may have attained you some laughs, but I am thinking NOT so much in the Boardroom. Or perhaps telling an acquaintance their breath smells horrible (kids seem to have blunt honesty down pat), while it may, is not exactly the best way to win friends and become successful in life. So, yes, admittedly there are things we just don't do which guide us on this path, and we learn what is and is not socially acceptable at a more mature age. More or less, I would assume it's mainly so they don't lock you away though. LOL Let's face it- orange peels and straws are not really the table toys they once were at 7! But giving up your zeal for life and not taking stuff so seriously... where did that go? When did people begin to care so much about the status quo, they forgot to remember their internal happiness? The simplicity of being happy; of arriving everyday with YOU. I say being happy is key and whatever that happiness is for you- then do it! IMHO, there is an inner beauty that exudes when you live life with guidelines and not a rule book.
People will always see things differently than you. That is why we are unique individuals... it takes a lot of us to make the world work and keep it interesting. However, the next time you think you can't... voice your opinion, go on that interview, wear those crazy digs, change your career, etc... because someone will tell you different, might not like you, or think one way or the other about you?? Step out, smile and arrive with you! Be happy with where you are today because you won't be there tomorrow. Everyday is an opportunity for growth and change and yes, aging. Though aging is loathed in our society, there is something to be said for it- truly it is how true beauty... not the superficial... not the kind money can buy, but when you take chances and glow doing it... is attained!
It is up to us, as we go through our evolution of sorts, to not allow what time would love to steal. You have to tap into that person of long ago and keep a reminder of what once was and what you dreamed to be... you were born for a purpose! Don't lose your fervor... seek it till you find it again and restore what you once dreamed. What are you waiting for??? Get Living!!
1 comment:
Well said my Girl! We do get caught up in being grown up and forget our youthful lust for life! I have been going through a second childhood as it were. My son is grown, so I finished my undergrad degree, packed my things and moved across country. We should never forget to live and laugh at life..it makes everyone wonder what you're up to!
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