"Dal Centro Della Mia Vita Venne Una Grande Fontana!! "
"From the center of my life, there came a great fountain!!" ~Louise Gluck

30 years in one's life... a milestone perhaps, but it
may not be the 'center' of life to some. However, for me, these past years of my life have brought a transformation of sorts and clarity in many aspects of my life. Therefore it is here, now in what I believe to be my 'center of life', that I feel a great fountain has sprung forth hope and limitless possibilities of what I can dream & ultimately, accomplish!

Every Sunrise Offers a New Opportunity for Change!

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, we will then begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." ~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I Believe ...

...Life offers up moments where you must make crucial choices and they will forever change you.

...That a child's laughter is the closest thing to an angel's song.

...Everyone who crosses our path in life is there for a reason, a season or a lifetime and it's up to us to figure out which one.

...You can love many times and in many different ways in a lifetime, however, true love is very rare indeed, as not many people understand it.

...We are born with limitless possibilities for our lives, it is only by the restrictions which we place upon ourselves that limits begin to materialize.

...Faith is powerful and prayer to be 'magical'.

...We are more powerful than we give credit, speak what you want to work in your life- positive energy will find positive energy.

...There is one key ingredient to living a happy life- without fear - everything else is a variable.

..."Faith without works is dead", applies to more than just your spiritual walk.

...There is beauty and reason to be found in every life present among us, appreciation for this fact brings us closer to God.

...Success is achieved by those that have passion, motivation and determination.

...Accepting people at face value eliminates disappointment.

...Staring too long at a closed door will cause you to miss the other door already opened to you.

...Life is a continuous journey, make sure you have your running shoes.

...Being bored with life is self-deprecating humor.

...You can start a bad day over at any moment by merely pushing the restart button on your attitude.

...God continuously gives us 'courses' in life, it's just up to us how many times we flunk the class.

...Darkness always comes to light.

...Judging others will only bring judgement upon yourself in the end.

...You cannot call yourself a loving individual if you put restrictions on who you love.

...The way we treat those who cannot defend themselves, reflects what we truly are about.

...Forgiving others does not relinquish the wrong doing, it just allows you to move on.

...In the concept of truly paying it forward- without hope of reward.

...Money can enable happiness, but it will never ensure it.

...No matter how bad you want a yes or no answer, some of life's dilemmas will never offer that option.

...If you are continuously asking the same question, you already know the answer- face it and move on.

...If the same storyline keeps appearing in your life, just different characters, it's time to address the writer of the story.

...God is never our Enemy- he is incapable by definition.

...True strength and endurance comes from training sessions in life.

..What you feed your mind, your spirit becomes.

...While we at times may face circumstances, we always have choices.

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"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." ~Albert Einstein